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Organization Mission

The Mission of the Success Digital Computer School is to train young people/girls and boys in rural Liberia/Nimba County to learn and work professionally in the MS word, MS excel, MS publisher, MS power-point and MS access.

Idea Description

It will yield genuine result to provide covid 19 awareness resources and services to remote communities via local radios and television programs in local languages. Most remote communities in developing countries don't have access to National/International media, to monitor current events, so they lack basic information about covid 19. Reaching out to them with basic education and resources about the virus will help to safe many lives. These strategies will help to inform millions of remote communities dwellers in developing countries to know, learn and practice preventive living, relative to covid 19 endemic. Covid 19 preventive resources and information are usually broadcast in English, which is not understood by most remote communities dwellers. Translating those in local languages will clarify understanding and help to fight the virus.

Implementation Strategies & Learnings
