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To mainstream Deaf and disability right in development including promotion of SRHR information access by persons with disability

Current Challenges

DEAFOP is the name underwhich our organization goes by. it stands for deaf outreach program. among the challenges that we are facing like now are to do with funding to reach as many people with disabilities as possible. this is beacause many do not have access to technology due to their nature and economic backgrounds. Our mentorship program is in need of more mentors whom we are not able to get and support so as to come and mentor our clients well and create impacts. Human resource is a challenge as we rely wholly on volunteers who are sometimes unable to report to work due to economic hardships

Healthcare Supplies
Human Resources

What We Have Tried

we have tried to adress some of our problems and challenges by leveraging on the technologylike we had a volunteer who helped to make a mobile app which we have been using to educate the deaf on SRHR and other pertinent issues to do with health. volunteers also help us to link up with many of our clients as well as perform some duties

Tools We Are Using

we are using tools like mobile app, pen and paper to collect data and also internet

What We Can Offer

we can mentor other organizations working with the PWDs. we can also offer training on the issues to do with disabilities and also sign language training.

People Power